Peacock Basic Information
Peacock with its wings spread is considered the vehicle of Karthikeya (Murugan).
The noted painter Peacock or Peacock is a bird whose origin is in southern and southeast Asia.
The mostlyl like wild animals in open forests. Blue peacock is the national bird of India and Sri Lanka.
The male has a beautiful and colorful tail, which he opens and dances for love, especially during the spring and rainy seasons.
The female of the peacock is called Morni. Javanese peacock is green in color.
Peacock |
During the rainy season, when this bird dances on spreading black and white feathers, it seems as if it is wearing a royal dress with diamonds; That is why peacock is called king of birds.
Being the king of birds, nature has put a crown like crown on its head.
The Government of India declared it a national bird on 26 January 1963 due to the peacock's amazing beauty.
Peacock is also the national bird of Myanmar, our neighbor. The scientific name of peacock, a member of the 'Facianidae' family, is 'Pavo cristatus'. In English language it is called 'Blue Peafowl' or 'Peacock'.
In Sanskrit language it is known as Mayur. Peacock is found in abundance in India and Sri Lanka.
The Peacock is basically a wild bird, but the search for food sometimes brings it to the human population.
Peacock has been the center of attraction of humans since the beginning. Peacock has been given high status in many religious stories.
In Hinduism, eating peacock and killing it is considered a great sin.
The peacock feather in the crown of Lord Shri Krishna shows the importance of this bird.
In the epic 'Meghdoot' by Mahakavi Kalidas, the peacock has been placed higher than the national bird.
The peasants have also liked the peacock. The coins used to run in the kingdom of the famous emperor Chandragupta Maurya had peacock on one side.
The throne on which the Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan used to sit, had a peacock structure.
Between the two peacocks was the king's throne and the peacock with wings spread behind.
This throne, made of diamonds, was named Takht-e-Taus. Peacock is called 'Taus' in Arabic language.
The length of male peacock is about 215 centimeters and height is about 50 centimeters. The female peacock is about 95 cm in length.
Identifying male and female peacocks is very easy. There is a large crest on the head of the male and a small crest on the head of the female.
The male peacock has a bunch of long and ornamental wings on its short tail. These peacock feathers are around 150.
Female birds do not have these decorative feathers. During the rainy season, when the peacock dances in full fun, some of its wings are broken. Anyway, all the feathers of peacock fall once a year in the month of August.
These feathers reappear before summer comes. The peacock is found mainly in blue color, but it is also white, green, and purple in color.
Its age is from 25 to 30 years. The peacock does not nest, it lays eggs in a safe place on the ground.
Peacock Diet
Peafowl are omnivores and eat mostly plants, flower petals, seed heads, insects and other arthropods, reptiles, and amphibians.
Wild peafowl look for their food scratching around in leaf litter either early in the morning or at dusk.
They retreat to the shade and security of the woods for the hottest part of the day.
These birds are not picky and will eat almost anything they can fit in their beak and digest.
They actively hunt insects like ants, crickets and termites; millipedes; and other arthropods and small mammals. Indian peafowl also eat small snakes.
Peacock important things
The Peacock is a generic name for the three bird species in the Pavo and Afropavo of the family Pavioidae, the family of Fawyanidae and their associates.
Male peacock is referred to as peacock and female peacock as peacock, although either sex peacock is often referred to colloquially as "peacock".
The two Asian species are originally blue or Indian peacocks of the Indian subcontinent.
Green Peacock of Southeast Asia; An African species is the Congo peacock, which is native only to the Congo basin. Male peacocks are known for their piercing calls and their extraordinary misery.
The latter is particularly prominent in Asian species, which have an eye-catching "tail" or "train" of secret wings, which they perform as part of a courtship ritual.